Frequently Asked Questions


What are Athena Leadership Corp.’s Credentials?
Athena Leadership Corp. is an SEC-Registered Investment Advisor (CRD #173562). The firm’s registration can be found through SEC Investment Advisor Public Disclosure site. In addition, Athena Leadership Corp. has registered with the State of California. The management team has combined 6 years of individual and institutional portfolio management. In addition, we have the backing of a four person advisory board that lends expertise in many areas of business.

What Investments are Held in Portfolios?
Portfolio managers have created an investment objective that is centered around investing in corporations that maintain a certain number of women on the Board of Directors or that support gender equality through various corporate objectives. This objective, coupled with each client’s risk tolerance and financial information is how portfolios are determined. Currently, the portfolios consist of domestic equities, ETFs and Closed End Funds. The ETFs and Closed End Funds are utilized for their fixed income expertise allowing for an asset allocation that is custom tailored to each client.

Where are Accounts Held?
Our broker-dealer, Motif Investing, maintains custody of client money and securities at Pershing, a clearing services firm serving over one million customer accounts. Stated in our Client Agreement, Athena Leadership Corp. is listed as having trading authorization in client accounts and the ability to withdraw the monthly management fees.


What Fee is Charged?
Athena Leadership Corp. uses a wrap-fee program where clients pay a single fee based on assets under management (AUM). The fee covers research, advisory, investing and administrative services. Our Pricing page outlines what fee percentage is deducted from AUM.

Are Additional Fees Charged?
No. The wrap-fee program covers all services offered by Athena Leadership Corp.

How Do You Calculate Fees?
Athena Leadership Corp.’s fee structure is not charged in advance. Fees are calculated on a monthly basis and deducted from client accounts. Fee calculation is done by multiplying the applicable annual fee rate by the end-of-month account balance and dividing by twelve.

Account Information:

What Type of Accounts are Offered?
Through our broker-dealer we are able to offer individual and joint brokerage accounts, plus retirement accounts including Traditional IRA, Rollover IRA and Roth IRA accounts.

Are Accounts Offered to International Persons?
At this time accounts are only offered to US citizens with permanent mailing address and a valid Social Security Number of Tax ID.

Are 401(k) Rollovers Available?
Yes, IRA can hold your 401(k) rollover.

How Do I Access My Account?
All securities and performance information is viewable through our broker-dealer’s site, Log in with your Motif Investing credentials to access the investment dashboard.